Welcome to Sahara iO

Sahara iO is the first robotic healthcare start-up in Pakistan founded in June 2016. We aim to impact the lives of 1 million differently-able people by 2022. Our focus is to provide mobility as a service. For this goal, we ensure the availability of right mobility products with matchless services and also strive to improve the infrastructure around us, which will enable differently-able people to effectively use our products. We are not just a company that only designs and delivers healthcare products, we are a movement for better social acceptability of differently-abled people. In the first phase of our journey, we have introduced premium quality electric wheelchair at reasonable prices, with warranty and aftersales services for the very first time in the Pakistani market.

Mobility as a Service

Right now, we have display centres in all major cities and home delivery service throughout Pakistan; we are also setting up display centres in other cities as well. In parallel, we are also increasing our product line; very soon we will have locally manufactured portable wheelchair ramps, mobility scooters (for people who need to cover long distances daily), specialised wheelchairs for people with cerebral palsy, and also sports-wheelchairs for both active and aspiring athletes. We will also be carrying out R&D activities on robotic exoskeleton which will help people with paralysis to regain mobility.

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